April Feature Digest
Fun fact: the word 'quarantine' comes from the Italian word for "forty days" - the amount of time inbound ships passengers had to wait off port before being admitted. With that, we wanted to share what we've been working on for the last 40 days, based on your feedback:
Advanced Features. We've introduced some experimental features, hidden in your Account Settings section:
Hosted by... you name it! Based on your requests, we've made it possible to customize the "Hosted By" text on your event page:
Hide the comment wall. Turn off the comment wall across all future events, and hide them from existing events.
Ability to collect guests' phone numbers when they RSVP. You asked, we answered. Ticketed events now have an option for guests to confirm with their digits.
Suggested donations now have no maximums. Just like generosity!
...and you can also now create events with no default suggested donation. Let guests decide as their heart desires.
Invite by previous event guest list. You got a crew? This feature ensures that you can quickly invite the same guest list to multiple events.
That's a lot of new stuff for you to try out! In fact, there's more, but we're out of room. Follow Mixily on Twitter for the latest.undefined
As always, we're looking for your good company, wit, and stories. How are you gathering in this time? Drop us a line if you want to share a drink and a chat anytime!
Stay safe,
Liz and Andrew