May and June: promo codes, easier event management and more

Dear Mixily Hosts,

We've been busy during quarantine. With all the privacy issues in the news, we're more motivated than ever to create a better alternative for managing events.

Over the past couple months we've shipped great improvements for virtual events, ticketed events, and the overall site design. Here are a few highlights:

Promo Codes 🎟 - Among those of you hosting ticketed events, this was our most-requested feature. Create promo codes to give dollars (or percentages!) off your ticket price. Who doesn't love getting an in?

Zoom Integration 🎬 - Mixily is now integrated with Zoom! You can create meetings without leaving the event page. We're still Zooming, right?


Scheduled Reminders ðŸ“£ - We've always had scheduled reminders that ping your invitees one week and one day before your event, assuming they haven't RSVP'd yet. What's new is that you can customize the timing of the reminders, disable them altogether, or add a custom message with a friendly nudge.

CSV Reporting ðŸ—£- What's more exciting than CSVs? I can't think of anything. You've got columns, rows, data—perfection. Plus, for ticketed events, you can see a full breakdown of your sales, fees, and net.

And more! 🌶- Easy event copying right from your calendar page. Support for international phone numbers. Lots of little style improvements. Etc. More soon!

What's next? If you're an event host, we want to hear from you, even if it's just to chat. Email

And while I have you, I want to share an amazing event series called Origami Talk. It's a series of virtual talks for origami artists, origami enthusiasts, and onlookers. I've really enjoyed learning more from this passionate community. They use Mixily, of course.

Yours in gathering however we may,


Creator Spotlight: Origami Talk


May Feature Digest: Promo codes are here!