Fall '19 Feature Digest
This fall, we released a number of new features based on what you've asked for:
Contact lists to make inviting easier: Don't want to forget anyone? Hosting a recurring event? We've made it easier to remember who to include, and to invite them all at once with Contact Lists. Build your lists, and use them over and over.
Tickets feature to help you collect contributions: Our first ticketing feature empowers attendees to contribute ahead of time, inviting a generous spirit. Because hosts specify a minimum upfront, they can guide the contribution to any extent they like. You could try to make asking for money less awkward by following these 9 tips—or just use Mixily.
Comments wall: Guests and hosts can message one another right on your events page.
Date polling: Organize your favorite humans and poll them to see which date most can attend—try the date poll. It's kind of like doodle, but built right into the invite.
We hope you like these changes. All that & more soon on Mixily!